My Close of Service

Today marks a week since I have been back in America from my service in St Lucia. This will be my last post about my closing of service. My last week in St Lucia was so much fun and also terribly painful. Tuesday night, I was tricked into a big surprise party at the church. I was so shocked! Everyone brought a dish so we had a giant feast. They had games and performed dances and we all had a blast. Wednesday was my last day at the library, we had a party with all the kids and presented the awards for the star readers. I had cake and ice cream for them to celebrate. I also had my final piano lesson with Faith, I hope she continues to practice and finds a new teacher soon. The parent leader group also threw a wonderful party for me and the new volunteer Bree later that night. They baked lots of yummy treats, said so many kind words and we had a big photo shoot where everyone wanted a picture with me. They are such a great group of parents, I truly regret not getting involved with them sooner! Thursday was my big wrap up at the Peace Corps office. I had lots of things to return, forms to collect and sign and I officially finished my grant report. It has been cleared and completed, what a relief! I got to say all my goodbyes to PC staff as well as Greg and Jilia. That night was a little staff party at Ms. Ianna’s house which is always a great time. I will miss that group a lot, they always included me in their get-togethers. Friday was a mix of cleaning and organizing while people stopped by to take all my stuff I had accumulated. Dera and Ava also came to stay the night and again, surprised me with a goodbye party. Ava sang a song while they brought out dinner, bubbly and cake for me. Too many surprises and goodbyes this week. I was so drained from not getting much sleep and from the emotional overload. On my last full day in St Lucia, I spent it with my neighbour Sethfra. We went to the beach and it was the most beautiful day. Of course, I spent the whole day out with no sunscreen so I ended up getting pretty burned. Perfect, I was going home looking like a cooked lobster… My host mom Petrina came down to spend the last night with me. She helped do the final cleaning with me and kept me company. I also said goodbye to Ruby that night. Bree came for her so she could have her all next week. I was sad but very relieved that she would have such a great owner. I was so worried about that. A friend dropped by late that night to say goodbye and before I knew it, it was Sunday. August 21st. The day I left St Lucia. The landlord came to check the house and mama and I waited anxiously for our ride before she found something wrong with the house. We didn’t hear too many comments, just some about the couch having Ruby hair. Just needs a vacuum which no one has here. I got a ride to church with all my luggage and from there, had two hours with my church family. I got to say a few words but I was so out of it, I don’t remember what I said really. Sister Leavitt drove me to the airport and then a long 24 hours of travel and waiting to get home.

My family and some friends were waiting at the airport to pick me up in Green Bay. I was happy to home and relieved to be back. There is a lot to adjust to. I can drink the tap water, the air is so dry and I’m cold all the time, mal pale isn’t funny here, everyone is rushing everywhere, endless comess and manje, it’s so white in every way, it’s so easy, no bugs or pests, you don’t have to lock up anything and people do not speak their mind. I am missing St Lucia but I also am excited to start a new adventure. I am so grateful for the time I spent in the Peace Corps. It was so hard in so many ways but it also the best two years. It really is the toughest job you will ever love. I can’t wait to return and visit my Lucian people soon. Thank you for your support and for reading my very sparse blog posts. 🙂


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